

    日期:108-11-18       資料來源:那瑪夏區公所       

    🌳千年牛樟(中文暨布農族語及卡那卡那富族語) 🌳


    ◼️ 生長場域:那瑪夏興望嶺山下

    ◼️ 身       材:①身長7公尺  ②體重22公噸  ③樹圍須5人合抱

    ◼️ 樹       齡:據族人口傳超過1千年以上

    ◼️ 價       值:無價



    2009年因莫拉克風災被迫漂流於楠梓仙溪河畔並於2012年被發掘, 2012年林務局載運至屏東縣獅子鄉雙流國家森林遊樂區保管,於2019年7月9日由全區族人迎接牛樟爺爺連夜歸回那瑪夏安置。





    🌳牛樟爺爺與布農族的故事 (以下含布農族語翻譯) 

    🌳Kamanu mas Bunun


    Aiza dau dadusa a mamangan tu Bunun kudadaza sia madaingdaing tu lukis at mahtu sadu saudahvian. Mapatupa naia tu makasaina kasu unapavas vali cia at makasainik sia uhaivas vali tan. Mutusbuuta mudadaan sausia uka dan at sansuhisa sia maidaingian muampuk islunghu cia. Nalahaiban ta hai na-us-upa num tu hanian. Panghalas naicia laihaiban i nahaiapun a daan mais namusuhis.


    Maza makasia unapavas vali tu mamangana hai sansuhisin sia inislunghuan cia at ukang a makasia uhaivas vali tu mamangana maibas. Dundadaan saia mas sinpainghal at kudip saia kilim mas uhaivas valis tu mamangana. Masa malalala saia mas uhaivas vali tu mamangana sia mangdavan cia hai inkaduan saicia adi nin mahtu mudadaan at maldadahpin tu uhaivas vali tu mamangana. Cisha dihaning a hudanan at kungadah naia sia madaingdaing tu lukis tu laklak cia tunghabin mas hudan. Malnanau mani tu usakan mas ma-ansumansum. Kilimun naicia tu isa bis ma-ansuma hai ingkaduan mas madanghas tu kakaunun. Tanam maun tu tastu ngulus hai cinpais daingaza  a amin ulus.


    Malnanau cinsialsial a uhaivas vali tu mamangana at cinsialin a amin dihanin. Mindangkal dadusa a at mastabal tu ikit lukis cia. Saakunun tu adu mamaszang mas adi sangan ma-ansumansuma. Cisha lukis daing a palinutu tu: “mavia tu maludah kasu zaku tu? Zuku sangan maipindadu , saipuk mamu i.” Cinhuza dadusa a ta-aza at tupa tu “ Sumanai! Kikilim kaimin mas ma-ansumansum tu saak cia kaa su hangsia!”


    Ingkatudip hai haiapin a bunun tu saicia tu lukis  minindangaz mas Bunun. Tupa amin bunun tu tuzatuza tu mamananu lukisa at pacinganun tu “Kamanu”. Maisna tudip haiapin amin bunun tu asa tu mapisial Kamanu cia, nitu mahtu mitmang mapaluh Kamanu.



    🌳ʉsʉ kunaru mata kanakunavu tamna po’ʉ’ʉ ʉna


    Potunnakari miana cakʉsʉ kunaruia nimonn’ʉnai manʉkʉpai aratatia arakukun cau mamane cumacʉvʉrʉ,mata cau kanakanavu tʉni’apaicapariapara makari cakʉsʉkunaru,


    imo cau mitanoo  taracʉ’ʉra cakʉsʉkunaru tatiamata makicʉ mʉrʉrapatʉia,


    Vanai tia’urupaca kamanʉngʉ ipai,mata’ani ’anivi,nikarisuru mongʉtʉnʉ cakʉsʉkunaru ’una ucanitaniara cakʉsʉkunaru parapapining,


    karikuracʉ:「’akuni mosuru mapacaikimia, noo ka’anʉkamu tumatima na’akuaia,’unataniara teku aratʉkʉnʉ kamua,tia mʉtʉa’akua、 ’urapaca’akua,ticuararangrang」,


    inmacʉpʉngʉ caumesua mamanʉngʉ’urupa’ca cakʉsʉkunaru,makasua ka’anʉ tumatimanakari sipaku’uarʉ、puturiacʉ nguan nitamnakari。


    nacanitasiarʉ aracʉmcʉmtia mongʉtʉn karu cakʉsʉkunuru,cʉmʉ’ʉrapipininingi ne’onakaru nimanguru kangvang makasina marʉngʉcai araceni caruru,mata ciciri’ita’itanʉ makasuacucau takutavarʉ’ʉ,


    no’aki enkarucakʉsʉ arakukuna,ivatuinrarumata pariaparaia ’akiiamara’anivi,


    panansi na’angicicaumamane aratʉkʉnmitʉvang cakʉsʉkunuru aranaimesua,tuturunmamarangnanamu,kasakʉnocakʉsʉkunuru ,’akunika’upopang mongʉtʉnʉ。


    🌳Thousand-year Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree -Tablet Content🌳

    🌳Basic Information

    ◼️ Growing Area:Beneath Xin Wang Ling, Namasia

    ◼️ Stature: ①Height:7 meters  ②Weight:22 tons  ③Circumference:Five people can wrap their arms around the tree.

    ◼️ Age: More than 1000 years, based on oral history

    ◼️ Price: Priceless


    🌳The Story of Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree

    In 2009, when typhoon Morakot struck, it was forced to float on the riverbank of Nan Tzy Shian River and was discovered in 2012. In the same year, the Forestry Bureau carried it to Shizi Township, Pingtung County, and it was taken care of by the Shuangliou Forest Recreation Area. On July 9, 2019, the local tribal people greeted the Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree returning to Namasia.


    🌳Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree Facing Teng Bao Mountain

    The Kanakanavu is the earliest tribe living in Namasia. Legend has it that when the floods came, the tribal people took shelter at Teng Bao Mountain. Afterwards, the Kanakanavu people regarded Teng Bao Mountain as a sacred mountain. Stout camphor trees have also guarded the Namasia for thousands of years, giving the Namasia directions for generations in the deep mountains. Therefore, stout camphor wood is placed diagonally facing Teng Bao Mountain, which symbolizes the spirit of the Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree together with the sacred Teng Bao Mountain that is protecting all of the Namasia people.


    🌳The Story of Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree and the Bunun

    Legend has it that two Bunun warriors climbed up a big tree overlooking into the distance. The two warriors agreed that one would head to the east while the other would head to the west. After they arrived at their destinations, they would return to the starting point and meet each other. It was expected to take six days. To remember the route, the two warriors even left marks along the way. The east-bound warrior successfully returned to the starting point, but he didn’t see the west-bound warrior. Therefore, the east-bound warrior searched the west by following the marks. When he arrived at the cliff and called the west-bound warrior’s name, he found that the warrior was unable to return due to illness. It started to rain heavily at that time. They happened to spot a tree hole and took shelter in it. Suddenly, they smelled a fragrance and looked for the source. They found a red object. After taking a bite, their mouths filled with a bitter taste. Soon, the west-bound warrior magically recovered and the sky also cleared up. Then the two got up to leave. Before leaving, they hacked at the tree to see if it had the same fragrance they’d smelled. Then the tree suddenly said, “Why do you hit me? I just saved you!” Hearing this, the two explained in a hurry, “Sorry. We’re just looking for the fragrance. It’s you!” The tribal people didn’t realize that the tree had been helping the Bunun until then. They found it amazing (translated into Bunun, “mamananu”) and therefore named the tree KAMANU, persuading all the tribal people to protect stout camphor trees from deforestation.


    🌳The Story of Grandpa Stout Camphor Tree and the Kanakanavu

    Legend has it that stout camphor trees used to grow in the low-altitude areas and lived together with humans. The Kanakanavu could communicate with stout camphor trees through the wind. However, as their trunks were thick and the bark was able to withstand wind and rain, people cut down too many stout camphor trees to build fences and walls. One day, a tree angrily said, “Please don’t kill us at will. If you don’t listen, some day I will leave you. You won’t easily find me again.” However, at that time people felt that stout camphor trees were so useful that they didn’t listen to the advice and kept ignoring their warnings.” One morning, when people got up early to cut down the stout camphor trees, they found all the trees were gone. Instead, they moved to the higher and farther mountains and even to the edge of the steep cliff. Only then did the people realize that the tribal people would suffer more when the storms struck without the protection of the stout camphor trees. Due to the selfish people, the stout camphor trees hid themselves far away. Afterwards, the tribal people told their descendants to cherish stout camphor trees and not to cut them down at will.


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